Future of Chiropractic

Reggie's Legacy

There were at least three great things that Reggie left us (in chronological order) as his thinking evolved: 1. The idea of prevention 2. The idea of maintenance 3. The idea of improvement of innate intelligence expression as an end to itself. 4. Spinology. Perhaps the greatest is still in the future and involves number … Read more

Q&A # 65

Is modern day chiropractic merely a means by which a man or woman can make a good living by putting in the least amount of time and effort, living off the government (insurance), and being able to fill one’s time with the pleasures and diversions that usually are identified with a life of idleness?

Experience is Highly Overrated

I’ve recently been studying the life of David, the king of Israel, in preparation for teaching a course in chiropractic leadership. From his life I’ve learned that experience, especially in the area of leadership, is not really that important. David was a young shepherd with no military experience when he met Goliath an enemy that the … Read more

The Division between Traditional Chiropractic and Objective Chiropractic

The Division between Traditional Chiropractic and Objective Chiropractic and everything else for that matter is pretty simple. What Are We Really All About? What is the objective of the chiropractor, not only with regard to the individual practice member but with regard to the world as a whole? Chiropractors have been seeking an answer to … Read more

True Jubilee and Freedom

Jubilee def.-a year of emancipation and restoration…..by the emancipation of slaves… I believe that BJ was looking forward to the year of true Jubilee when all chiropractors would be freed from the slavery of being shackled to the medical model of merely “getting sick people well,” free to correct vertebral subluxations in order to enable … Read more

Grace and Chiropractic

Grace doesn’t mean doing nothing, just doing something that is non-meritorious, deserves no credit. Pushing on the right place in the right manner on the spine is meritorious and deserves some (financial) reward. The adjustment and the subsequent changes, whatever they might be, are done by the innate intelligence of the practice member’s body and … Read more

Democracy in Chiropractic.

Democracy is the rule of the majority, however when the majority does not recognize the rights of individuals but only the right of the majority it is nothing more than mob rule. Obama doesn’t care whether Islamic countries or their extremism controls the country, just as long as they are the democratic majority and in … Read more

The 33 Principles

Does the principlization of chiropractic, that is,defining and explaining the scope and practice of chiropractic by only it’s 33 principles negate the value of wider application like enhancing performance, improving potential and getting sick people well? Does the fact that the 33 principles say nothing about getting sick people well of disease restrict a chiropractor … Read more