Thinking Straight

A Human Being-Part 1: the Human part

Human is the material part of man. You are a human being Reggie use to say, “the statement ‘I’m only human’ is incorrect. If you were only human , you would be dead! You are a human being. While the human is material and exists in two states either living or dead, it does so … Read more

Older Than Dirt or (ashes to ashes and…)

Recently I heard an older man (although younger than I) make the above statement in describing himself. Yet we are all the product of dust/dirt, whether through Adam or through indirectly, mediately living organisms that have been grown in dirt or eaten that which was grown in it. and which innate intelligence created innate matter … Read more


Not changing your circumstances but evaluating and adjusting the plan objective for you life, your practice and your focus.

Healing /health

In the original languages before the use of drugs the above terms had the connotation of wholeness/bringing together. Bringing together the expression of intelligence through matter, which we define as LIFE.

Revolution or Evolution

I think is was Wellington who said that “Reformation is really the beginning of a revolution.” He made this remark in explaining how the French Revolution began as an attempt “reform” the monarchy of France and ended up with the guillotine,the Jacobin’s, a dictator who wanted to rule the world (Napoleon), and tremendous bloodshed. I’m … Read more

Conflict between Chiropractic and Medicine.

As soon as DD Palmer claimed to treat, cure, alleviate a disease condition, or its cause, the medical profession came after him, not because he was prescribing drugs. Their assertion was: 1.Any procedure related to disease or its cause was the practice of medicine, not just the dispensing of drugs, eg. communicable diseases. 2, After … Read more

World and Life Viewpoint

People establish their W&L viewpoint, to great degree, by the importance they place upon their methods of perception. Of course that is greatly the result of teaching and training. I grew up placing my importance on faith as the primary method of perception. I might add that I think most people grew up the same … Read more