Thinking Straight


The former is based upon application of an absolute. The latter a relative application of an absolute.The last minute o a football game with timeouts and commercials is a relative.


The correctnesss of a principle cannot be weighed by a vote of popularity-Thom Gelardi, D.C

C.S. Lewis Quote

Lewis said that it is better to hold two inconsistent views than to ignore one side of evidence. Similarly, is it better to hold to a view that ignore reason than to accept a reaonable view that is not totally reasonable?

Research, Disease and Darkness

I believe that BJ Palmer’s concept of DIS-EASE as the absence of something was important. It was the absence of an entity,… life or the expression of intelligence thru matter. When he talked about “getting sick people well”, I’m not sure what he was talking about in the context of “well”. Was it related to … Read more