Position Paper

F.A.C.E. Position Paper ~ Insurance

Until the mid-seventies, insurance was never an important issue among straight chiropractors.  First, there were relatively few insurance plans that covered chiropractic and second, the straight chiropractic community had yet to clearly define itself by its objective.  While insurance inclusion of chiropractic has begun to wane there are still many chiropractors who participate in insurance … Read more

Technique-Position Paper

The uniqueness of the straight chiropractic objective impacts upon chiropractic technique. Since the objective of correcting vertebral subluxations is to allow the innate intelligence of the body to be more fully expressed, any technique that purports to accomplish that objective should be acceptable to the practice of straight chiropractic. However inherent within the above objective … Read more

Mixing Chiropractic-POSITION PAPER

From an Objective Straight Chiropractic standpoint, there are three aspects of what has historically been called mixing chiropractic that need to be addressed. 1. The Objective Aspect. Mixing chiropractic can be defined as combining any part of the chiropractic procedure (correcting vertebral subluxation), with any objective other than enabling the innate intelligence of the body … Read more

Neurological/Orthopedic Tests

As with any procedure in chiropractic, it must be analyzed in light of our chiropractic objective to locate analyze and correct vertebral subluxations. No test designed to elicit medical information or to demonstrate the presence or the absence of a disease entity is of value in accomplishing the chiropractic objective. There are no medical tests … Read more


Position Paper #11   – Insurance     Until the mid-seventies, insurance was never an important issue among straight chiropractors. First, there were relatively few insurance plans that covered chiropractic and second, the straight chiropractic community had yet to clearly define itself by its objective. While insurance inclusion of chiropractic has begun to wane there … Read more


X-ray has a long association with chiropractic. Many cite the fact that 1895 marks the discovery of x-ray as well as that of chiropractic. Historically, it was used to substantiate bony palpation findings and to note spinal abnormalities. Later, different forms of line analysis were developed to help the chiropractor determine the presence of a … Read more

Cause of Disease

The cause of disease as it relates to chiropractic has gone through significant changes in the past 100 years. Historically, straight chiropractors saw the vertebral subluxation as the cause of all disease. This idea was clearly in conflict with medicine and precipitated much of the interprofessional animosity we know today. As the chiropractic profession developed … Read more


The issue of diagnosis is without doubt the defining issue of Objective Straight Chiropractic. It is the historical factor that brought the modern straight chiropractic movement into existence. Consequently, it is probably the most divisive issue separating objective straight chiropractic from every other approach to the practice of chiropractic. It is important to understand that … Read more

Medicine and Objective Straight Chiropractic

Historically, there has been a conflict between the practice of medicine and the practice of chiropractic. There is no doubt that the profession began in part as a response to the failure of 19th century medical practice. Today a very strange and mixed attitude exists relative to medicine and chiropractic. Some of our profession desire … Read more


The practice of objective straight chiropractic is unique. It has a singular objective, the correction of vertebral subluxation to enable the innate intelligence of the body to more fully express itself. Because of that singular objective the concept of referral as it is generally understood is not part of the objective straight chiropractor’s practice. Some … Read more